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Firestop specialty contractor located in Fort Wayne, IN.  We service Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois and Kentucky.

Architectural Sealants

Architectural Sealants

Exterior caulking

Exterior caulking

Joint sealant installation is a fraction of the overall cost of constructing a new facility though it can be responsible for nearly 80% of leaks that occur. Proper choice of a contractor that is knowledgeable in material properties and joint movement capabilities is paramount to a successful installation. Our employees are trained on joint sealant techniques and installations.

Existing facilities may need special attention.  Restoration projects require existing sealants to be removed and replaced with new ones. In most cases the existing material has failed due to age, improper installation, inadequate movement capabilities, or poor joint design. 

Each project is unique in its sealant needs.  We can provide a full scale, on site mock-up to assure proper design and performance.